Tentative Important Dates

Timeline (Tentative)

Workshop Schedule
Event Start time End time
Opening Remarks 8:30 8:40
Challenge Session 8:40 9:00
Invited talk #1: Prof. Florian Tramer 9:00 9:20
Invited talk #2: Prof. Alfred Chen 9:20 9:40
Invited Talk #3: Prof. Bo Han 9:40 10:00
Invited Talk #4: Prof. Chaowei Xiao 10:00 10:20
Invited Talk #5: Prof. Cihang Xie 10:20 10:40
Invited Talk #6: Prof. Jing Shao 10:40 11:00
Invited Talk #7: TBD 11:00 11:20
Poster Session #1 11:00 12:30
Lunch (12:30-13:30)

Call for Papers

Foundation models (FMs) have demonstrated powerful generative capabilities, revolutionizing a wide range of applications in various domains including computer vision. Building upon this success, X-domain-specific foundation models (XFMs, e.g., Autonomous Driving FMs, Medical FMs) further enhance performance in specialized tasks within their respective fields by training on a curated dataset that emphasizes domain-specific knowledge and making architectural modifications specific to the task. Alongside their potential benefits, the increasing reliance on XFMs has also exposed their vulnerabilities to adversarial attacks.The workshop will bring together researchers and practitioners from the computer vision and machine learning communities to explore the latest advances and challenges in adversarial machine learning, with a focus on the robustness of XFMs. We welcome research contributions related to the following (but not limited to) topics:
  • Robustness of X-domain-specific foundation models
  • Adversarial attacks on computer vision tasks
  • Improving the robustness of deep learning systems
  • Interpreting and understanding model robustness, especially foundation models
  • Adversarial attacks for social good
  • Dataset and benchmark that could evaluate foundation model robustness
Format: Submissions papers (.pdf format) must use the CVPR 2025 Author Kit for LaTeX/Word Zip file and be anonymized and follow CVPR 2025 author instructions. The workshop considers two types of submissions: (1) Long Paper: Papers are limited to 8 pages excluding references; (2) Extended Abstract: Papers are limited to 4 pages including references.

Submission Site: https://openreview.net/group?id=thecvf.com/CVPR/2025/Workshop/Advml
Submission Due: March 10, 2025, Anywhere on Earth (AoE)


